Second Adolescence

for LGBTQ+ Adults

“What is Second Adolescence?”

Growing up, many of us queer people did not have access to the adolescence our cisgender, straight peers had access to. The adolescence where we could experience dating, prom, all the Firsts with those we truly wanted. The adolescence where we could be seen and known fully by the people who mattered most to us. The adolescence where we didn’t suffer from the trauma of chronic shame for our identity. For many of us, there was a missed adolescence.

Second Adolescence is a developmental lifestage queer people go through in adulthood after growing up within an anti-queer world.

It is a time of healing and growth in which we address parts of ourselves and our experiences that were stunted, underdeveloped, and wounded during our first adolescence, and work towards uncovering our most true and free selves.

I help queer adults move through their own Second Adolescence.

Curious to explore doing this work? Please reach out!